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If you have any questions call Mindy Spinks: 507-822-0170

Uno Tournament Rules:​

  1. Players will be randomly divided into groups of 4, when possible.

  2. Each round will be 15 minutes. No more than 2 games will be scored in each round.

  3. This is a double elimination tournament. The top 2 players from each round will advance in the winners’ bracket. Other players will go through the consolation bracket. Players are eliminated once they have lost 2 times. The top 2 players in each group will be determined as follows:

  • In the 12 & under bracket, top scores will be determined in this order:wins, then the number of cards left in the hand. A tie will be determined by the amount of points left in each player’s hand.

  • In the 13 through adult bracket, top scores will be determined by wins, then number of points left in each player’s hand.

  • Points are: Wild Cards-50 points, Draw Two, Skip & Reverse Cards-20 points, and numbered cards-face value.


Uno Game Rules:


  1. The person to the left of the dealer starts the play. He/she has to match the card on the DISCARD pile, either by number, color or symbol. The player can also put down a regular Wild card at any time. Wild Draw Four Cards can only be played if the player does not have the current color. If the player does not have an appropriate card to play, he/she must draw from the deck.

  2. If a player doesn’t have a card to match the one on the DISCARD pile, or doesn’t want to play a card from his/her hand, a card is taken from the DRAW pile. If the card picked up can be played, the player is free to put it down in the same turn. However, the player may not use a card from the hand after the draw. Otherwise, play moves on to the next person in turn.

  3. If a player is forced to draw two or four cards, that takes the place of his/her turn.

  4. In the case of only 2 players, a Reverse card acts as a skip.

  5. If a wrong card is played and another player notices it, the incorrect player will have to draw 2 extra cards.

  6. A player must say Uno before placing his/her second to last card in the Discard pile, indicating he/she only has 1 card left. The player can blurt out Uno at any time before the next player starts his/her turn.  If the player forgets to say Uno, 2 cards must be drawn if another player catches the mistake before the next player starts their turn.

  7. Once a player has no cards left, the game is over. The number of points in each hand will be counted. The number of cards left in each hand will also be counted for 12 & under.

  8. There will be no stacking, where a Draw Two card has another Draw Two card placed on top of it by the receiving player, skipping that player and making the next player draw four cards.

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